
The following examples will walk through basic SHADHO usage, both local and distributed. The code and instruction for each example can be found in the GitHub repo.

Running SHADHO Locally

While SHADHO was designed for distributed optimization, it’s more helpful to prototype the search locally, with instant feedback.


Running SHADHO locally happens in a single script that defines the objective function, defines the search space, and sets up/configures the Shadho driver object.

import math

# Import the driver and random search from SHADHO
from shadho import Shadho, spaces

# Define the function to optimize, which returns a single floating-point
# value to optimize on. Hyperparameters are passed in as a dictionary with
# the same structure as `space` below.
def sin(params):
    return math.sin(params['x'])

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Set up the search space, in this case a uniform distribution over the
    # domain [0, pi]
    space = {'x': spaces.uniform(0, math.pi)}

    # Pass the `sin` function, the search space, and a timeout into the
    # SHADHO driver and configure SHADHO to run locally.
    opt = Shadho('sin_local_example', sin, space, timeout=30)
    opt.config.manager = 'local'

    # Run SHADHO, and the optimal `x` value will be printed after 30s.

Running the Example

From the terminal, run:

python sin_local_driver.py

The value of x that minimizes sin(x) from among all evaluated x values will be printed to screen after 30s. An output file, results.json will also appear. This file contains a database of all evaluated hyperparameters.